Caribbean societies are disproportionately vulnerable to natural and human-caused disruptions that affect economic and social life in the region. The recent global pandemic brought this vulnerability into sharp relief. Covid 19, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and economic turbulence have place stress on national and regional systems and institutions.


Highlights from Caribbean Workers’ Forum II (2021)


In September 2021, the college Cipriani College of Labour and Co-operative Studies (CCLCS) held the Second Biennial Caribbean Workers’ Forum Virtual Conference, this time in partnership with the Ministry of Labour (MOL), the Caribbean Congress of Labour (CCL), the Caribbean Office of the International Labour Organisation, Public Services International (PSI), and the Global Labour University (GLU).

The theme, “Re-imagining the New Normal” was penned against the backdrop of the Covid 19 pandemic. As part of the road to recovery, discussions on the post Covid world have been guided by the term “the New Normal” and this conference presented an opportunity for participants, practitioners, academics and government officials to explore and evaluate the multiple manifestations of this theme.



Highlights from Caribbean Workers’ Forum 2019

In August 2019, Cipriani College of Labour and Cooperative Studies (CCLCS), in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development (MoSLED), the Caribbean Congress of Labour (CCL) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO), hosted the Inaugural Caribbean Workers Forum (CWF). This Conference was conceptualised out of our recognition that the international forces at work in the process of globalisation presented severe threats to working people and their representative organisations. We are deeply concerned about the negative effects on employment, social justice, equity, income distribution, and increased marginalisation of working people among other issues. In this regard, this conference was an attempt to start a conversation to orient the workers and their representatives towards the development of robust solutions to empower working people.

Theme: “Wealth, Productivity and Social Protection: A conversation on the evolution of the 21st Century Caribbean Economy and its role of labour and its institutions”

Objectives of Conference:

To engage in a process of capacity building among workers as they face the challenges posed by a global environment.
To develop new models of action based on data driven development objectives for workers and their institutions.
To build a stronger rapport among regional workers institutions, academics, and other stakeholders to utilise the independence of rigid academic inquiry to assist and guide the process.
To cement the concept of social protection as a necessary part of the regional development dialogue.


Caribbean Workers’ Forum 2021
Caribbean Workers’ Forum 2019
YouTube Playlist for Sessions: CLICK HERE