The Examinations Unit is responsible for coordinating the registration and administration of national, regional and international examinations
Your final grades will be posted and available on your Student Portal within two weeks of the end of final examinations. In the event that grades are not posted by this time, please see your relevant lecturer.
The responsibility for academic evaluation and the assignment of grades belongs to the lecturer who has been assigned the responsibility for teaching the course. A student who believes that he/she has been unfairly graded should first appeal the grade in writing using the Grade Review application.
Such an appeal must be submitted to the Examinations Unit within two weeks of the communication of grades and must include a statement of the grounds of appeal. There is a mandatory $300 application fee.
In the event that a further review is desired, an evaluator will be appointed to re-assess the disputed grade. The evaluator will be given a copy of the student’s work together with the lecturer’s comment and grades. The revised grade may be identical, lower or higher than the original one. The evaluator will confer with the Head of Department who will sanction the grade change, if there is one. The revised grade assigned by the evaluator is final.
Final Examinations for 2nd Semester 2017/2018 are scheduled for April 30 to May 16, 2017.
While every effort is made to prevent conflicts in the final exam schedule, some conflicts are unavoidable. Students with a conflict as listed below are responsible for declaring same via the Student Request form which is to be submitted to the Examination Unit.
Simultaneous exams
If you are scheduled to write two exams at the same time, arrangements will be made for you to be sequestered. This allows you to write both exams on the same day with a supervised break.
Three consecutive exams
If you are scheduled to write three exams on the same day, arrangements to reschedule one of your exams will be made. This accommodation does not apply to students writing make up exams.
9:00am, 1:00pm, 5:30pm
Textbooks, bags, notes, cell phones and other incriminating materials are not permitted at your desk or on your person, and should be left in the designated area. If you are found with such materials at your desk or on your person it will be considered as an intent to cheat and will be confiscated by the invigilator. You will be disqualified from the examination and will be asked to leave the examination room.
- Candidates arriving more than 30 minutes after the official start of the examination, i.e., after writing begins, will not be allowed to sit the examination.
- You may not leave the examination room during the first HOUR of the examination.
- Absolutely no cheating will be tolerated.
- Complete the Examination Receipt provided and place at the top right hand corner of your desk. Your receipt will be collected by an invigilator.
- Please write your lecturer’s name on the examination booklet.
- You must not attempt to communicate by any means with another candidate. The borrowing or lending of materials or equipment is not permitted.
- If you need to leave the room for any reason, raise your hand, only one candidate will be permitted to leave the room at any one time. Any candidate leaving the room to go to the rest room will be accompanied by an invigilator.
- You will be advised when half an hour remains for the exam to end.
- You may not leave the room during the last 5 minutes of the examination.
- When your paper is collected you are to ensure that you collect your copy of the receipt.
- Candidates sitting any I.T. examination are prohibited from using the internet during the examination. Any candidate found with the internet screen will be considered cheating, and will be dealt with according to the regulations governing examination irregularities.
- Any candidate found in breach of examination regulations will be informed of such irregularity. The invigilator will confiscate the evidence (if material) and report the incident to the Examinations Supervisor and record it on the Documentation of Examinations Irregularities form. The candidate will write a report, which will be submitted to the Registrar immediately after the examination.
- In the event of a power outage, candidates should remain seated until all papers have been collected by the invigilators. If there is no resumption of the power service, then the paper shall be considered null and void and candidates will have to REDO at another sitting to be announced by the Registry.
Textbooks, bags, notes, cell phones and other incriminating materials are not permitted at your desk or on your person, and should be left in the designated area. If you are found with such materials at your desk or on your person it will be considered as an intent to cheat and will be confiscated by the invigilator. You will be disqualified from the examination and will be asked to leave the examination room.
Candidates arriving more than 30 minutes after the official start of the examination, i.e., after writing begins, will not be allowed to sit the examination.
- You may not leave the examination room during the first HOUR of the examination.
- Absolutely no cheating will be tolerated.
- Complete the Examination Receipt provided and place at the top right hand corner of your desk. Your receipt will be collected by an invigilator.
Please write your lecturer’s name on the examination booklet.
The exemption committee meets twice each academic year, once in semester one and once in semester two. The application period for exemption coincides with the registration; please see the Academic Calendar.
There are two types of exemptions: internal exemptions and external exemptions.
Internal Exemptions
An Internal exemption is given to a course(s) previously done at CCLCS that is offered in the student’s current programme.
External Exemptions
External exemptions are awarded for courses successfully pursued externally and which have content similar to that taught at CCLCS.
- No grade below ‘C’ will be considered for exemption.
- A maximum of 30 credits may be transferred from another institution. Relevant credits previously earned with a minimum of ‘C’ are transferable.
- Only courses applicable to the student’s programme will be transferred.
- No exemptions will be granted to satisfy elective requirements
- A ‘T’ denotes a course which has been transferred and will not be used in the computation of the grade point average.
Students who have attended classes right up to the end of the semester, but for reasons of illness or a verifiable emergency, are unable to write their final examinations, may be allowed, with the approval of the Registrar, to take a make-up examination. Written, and acceptable proof of the emergency or illness must be submitted within five (5) working days of the examination. Undated and unsigned applications/documents will not be processed. Postdated medical certificates will not be accepted.
A transcript is your academic record at Cipriani College of Labour and Ci-operative Studies. It chronologically details the sessions you attended, the courses you took, your grades, and all pertinent academic information regarding your academic attempts and achievements. There is a $50 service fee to order a transcript.
Unofficial Transcripts
You can view your full academic history, and print unofficial copies of your transcript at no cost using your student portal