Caribbean societies are disproportionately vulnerable to natural and human-caused disruptions that affect economic and social life in the region. The recent global pandemic brought this vulnerability into sharp relief. Covid 19, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and economic turbulence have place stress on national and regional systems and institutions.
The need for careful analysis into the nature and impact of these disruptions, especially on the most disadvantaged and vulnerable; and the development of evidence-based responses is especially urgent.
The Caribbean World of Work Forum is a contribution to the process of understanding the thinking environment and addressing the thinking challenges that will lead to designing strategies, systems and institutions which can build resilience. For CCLCS, these transitions must be just, equitable and sustainable.
The theme of CW²F is “Disruption | Resilience | Just Transitions.” This theme will be explored in four streams:
- Disruptions and Responses in the World of Work
- Governance, Labour Administration Systems, and Equity in the World of Work
- The Social and Solidarity Framework: Key to Resilience
- Workers’ Voice and Discontents of Globalisation
CW2F will bring together regional and international academics and practitioners to contribute to greater clarity on these issues and to propose options to that could help advance the cause of social justice in the Caribbean.
VIEW CW²F Conference highlights
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