Dr André Vincent Henry is Director of the Cipriani College of Labour and Co-operative Studies since 1 March 2017.
As Director of the College, Dr. Henry is committed to steadfastly upholding the core commitment that informed founding; empowering working people and promoting social justice.
From 2005 to 2017, he has been an independent consultant for several regional and international organisations, including the Inter-American Development Bank, the Caribbean Development Bank, the Organization of American States, International Labour Organisation, the CARICOM Secretariat and the United National Development Programme. He has also consulted with several regional governments and in the Middle East.
From 2001 until 2005 he was Director of the Programme for the Promotion of Management-Labour Cooperation (PROMALCO) at the International Labour Organization.
Before taking up the appointment at the ILO PROMALCO, Dr. Henry was Vice President, Trade and Industry at the Tourism and Industrial Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited. He has worked at the Institute of International Relations and the Centre for Ethnic Studies at the University of the West Indies. He has also been attached to the United Nationals Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNELAC). He served as Special Adviser to the Minister of Labour and was a member of the Diplomatic Service of Trinidad and Tobago for ten years.
Dr. Henry holds a first degree in International Relations and a Masters in Government from the University of the West Indies, Mona and a Master of Philosophy and a Doctoral degree from the George Washington University, Washington D.C.
He was elected a Fellow of the World Academy of Productivity Professionals in 2010.

Mr. Sheldon Salino
Deputy Director
Academic Affairs

Ms. Paula Inniss
Deputy Director of
Student Affairs

Ms. Loriella Hodges
Quality Assurance

Mr. Marlon Caesar
Finance & Corporate Services