Clinical Therapist | Clinical & Forensic Traumatologist |Training  Specialist
President & Chief Executive Officer |The Centre for Human Development Limited

Hanif E. A. Benjamin is a Licensed Master of Clinical Social Work, licensed by the New York State Office of the Professions, and a member of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and the National Centre for Crisis Management. He is a Clinical and Forensic Traumatologist with a Clinical and Field Traumatology Certification from the Traumatology Institute of Canada and a Certification in Child Trauma. Mr Benjamin is listed in the International Deployment Directory of the National Center for Crisis Management as a first responder for traumatic events and an International Premier Speakers and Trainers Bureau of the National Center for Crisis Management and the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. He gained his BSc in Criminal Justice at Monroe College and a Clinical Master of Social Work from Fordham University with sub-specialities in trauma treatment for children and adolescents and working with Children and Families. To read more visit the following linkhttps://tchdltd.com/team/hanif-benjamin/