The Caribbean Social Justice Forum is an Academic Journal produced by Cipriani College of Labour and Cooperative Studies. The journal fulfills the College’s research mandate as both a tertiary institution and as the primary regional institution for the empowerment of working people and people’s institutions. The Caribbean and Latin America is affected by a dynamic mixture of old, shared legacies and new global developments.

The journal, as such, is regional in scope, harking back to the tradition of regionalism that marked the period in which the College was established. Social Justice is the through-line which connects the topics on which the journal will focus; the College’s research agenda. These topics include Climate Change and Just Transitions, Regional Development, Migration, Social Protection, the Changing World of Work, Social Dialogue, Trade Union Capacity and Developments in Worker Representation.

Caribbean Social Justice Forum Vol, 2 No.3 Aug- Dec 2023
Caribbean Social Justice Forum Vol 3 Jan- Apr 2024
Caribbean Social Justice forum Vol, 1, No. 1 Sept – Dec 2022
Caribbean social Justice Forum Vol,2 No.1 Jan- Apr 2022
Caribbean Social Justice Forum Vol, 2 No. 2 May – Aug 2022