Cipriani College of Labour and Co-operative Studies (CCLCS) is Institutionally Accredited by the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) Accreditation is a voluntary process in which the College subjects itself to an assessment by External Evaluators from the ACTT to show that it is qualified to deliver the educational products and services offered.

It is an important process that assesses whether or not the College meets or exceeds the minimum quality standards outlined by ACTT in the criteria for institutional accreditation. Moreover, accreditation is a status. Therefore, the College’s fulfilment of the aforementioned educational criteria or standards established by the ACTT culminates in the attainment of Accreditation status with the ACTT. 



What is Accreditation? 

Accreditation is a voluntary process in which the College subjects itself to an assessment by External Evaluators from the ACTT to show that it is qualified to deliver the educational products and services offered. It is an important process that assesses whether or not the College meets or exceeds the minimum quality standards outlined by ACTT in the criteria for institutional accreditation. Moreover, accreditation is a status. Therefore, the College’s fulfilment of the aforementioned educational criteria or standards established by the ACTT culminates in the attainment of Accreditation status with the ACTT.

 Is CCLCS internationally recognised?

The ACTT is also accredited by the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) which is an international quality assurance body. Thus, ACTT is also subjected to scrutiny and provides the assurance that institutions that are accredited have successfully gone through a rigorous evaluation process. By extension, the endorsement of ACTT allows CCLCS to be internationally recognised as an institution that offers quality education.

How long has CCLCS been accredited and when did CCLCS last undergo accreditation? 

In 2012, the College was granted Institutional Accreditation by the ACTT for a period of five years from 12 November, 2012 to 11 November, 2017. Furthermore, CCLCS was awarded Continuing Institutional Accreditation for a period of five years from 21 November, 2017 to 20 November, 2022. Additionally, a one-year extension was given to institutions due to COVID-19. Thus, the College is in the process of preparing to obtain Continuing Institutional Accreditation in 2023. 

Who performs the accreditation?

The assessment of the College’s performance is executed by a team of External Evaluators appointed by ACTT. The External Evaluators are independent of ACTT and are highly competent professionals with a wealth of experience in a broad range of industries. The amalgam of skills and knowledge they possess equip them to effectively evaluate the College and to advance recommendations that can aid in continuous improvement.

What is involved in the accreditation process?

The accreditation process involves two key components, the Self-Study Report and the Comprehensive Site Visit. 


The Self-Study is an evaluative process whereby the College assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations relative to the five criteria for institutional accreditation established by the ACTT. The report requires the College to do an honest introspection of its performance and to identify opportunities for improvement. As a consequence, committees are formed with representation from a wide cross-section of departments and students to execute the Self-Study. The report is evidence based and requires that the College collect and analyse data on its performance to support accurate assessment and decision-making.


The Comprehensive Site Visit is the second phase of the Continuing Institutional Accreditation Process and entails a three-day on-site evaluation by External Evaluators from the ACTT. The site visit is a verification exercise whereby interviews are conducted with the Board, management, staff, students and other key stakeholders of the College to validate the contents of the Self-Study Report. Moreover, it enables the Evaluators to ascertain the degree to which the College has met the criteria for accreditation. 

How long does accreditation last and will it have to be renewed?

Accreditation can be granted by the ACTT to an institution for a maximum period of seven (7) years.


Why is Institutional Accreditation Important?

Institutional Accreditation is an assurance to students that they can have confidence in the institution because of the rigorous evaluation it has to go through. It creates an advantage for students as well as a competitive edge for the institution by facilitating continuous quality improvement. Graduates can benefit from high quality programmes which highlights their academic portfolio and makes them more marketable. In 2017 the Government of Trinidad and Tobago announced that GATE Funding would only be applicable to persons registering at accredited institutions and so to ensure that our students continue to access GATE, the College maintains its accreditation status.